To all the champions who
make this work possible,
thank you.
Pitch In Giving Circle Investors
Perfect Game – $20,000 & Above
Brooke & Graham Allen
Mary & Rick Van Horne
Amy & Marty Kaplan
Home Run – $10,000
Gina & Matt Dillig
Lead Off – $5,000
Joseph & Jamenda McCoy and Belle Up
2018-2019 Supporters
$100,000 & Above
A Better Chicago
Kerry & Sarah Wood
$25,000 – $99,000
ALE Solutions, Inc.
Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF)
Patricia & Alex Pissios
William Blair & Company
Rebecca & Steve Gerstung
Lefkofsky Family Foundation
Cece & Tom Ricketts
Cammie & Tony Hoban
Merrill Lynch, Brett Thelander and John Ver Bockel
Sloan Valve
$15,000 – $19,999
Chuck Allen
Fran & Perry Mandera
Colleen & Brendan Carroll
Wintrust Bank
Cinespace Foundation
$10,000 – $14,999
Brooke & Graham Allen
Ned Jannotta
Tom Wilson
Jim Allen
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLC
Steven Wood
Chicago Business Travel Association
Springboard Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
3335 Hospitality, LLC
Conagra Brands
Gina & Matt Dillig
Mark Fuller
David Melvin
Ashley & Jeffrey Quicksilver
Kendra Thornton
Jamie and Kristin Wildman Fund
Rowena Zimmers
Dillion Dalton
Jessica Dunne & Brian Reshefsky
Katie & Rick Hielscher
Much Shelist, P.C.
Jena Radnay
Angela & Scott Weiner and Gold Lion Ventures
Winston & Strawn
William Barry
Erin & David Donaldson
Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
Alap Patel
Skender Foundation
David Weiner
John Ver Bockel
$1,000 – $4,999
Bunker Hill Charities
Adam Chapman
Coyote Logistics
Steven DeGraff
DM Luxury, LLC
Joe Dwyer
Laura Ferris Anderson & Matt Anderson
Ali & Mike Hudak
Keith Kizziah
Tina Kourasis
Grosvenor Holdings LLC
Jeanne & Kenneth McAtamney
Katie & Glenn McMillan
Meg Moudy
Ginger & Tom Peak
Angela & Steven Reynolds
Andrew Sinclair
Steve Sutherland
Kim & Jeff Urban
Victoria & Kevin Willer
Bank of America
Ryan Cahill
Kimberly Collins
Bethany Crocker
Abby & Danny Dunn
Kelly Eddy
Meg Frey
GRAFF Diamonds
Pat Hughes & Baseball Voices
Ryan Kilpatrick
Lakeshore Beverage
Tony Lorenz
Bridget McDermott
Nicki & J.R. McNair
Josh Pagliaro
Sarah Pearsall
Beth & Ryan Satterfield
Daisie & Michael Siska
Sara & Chris Talsma
Patty & Ron Weiss
Thaddeus Wilson
Andy Blackburn
Brendan Cashman
Russ Cora
Sean Cunningham
Jessica Droste Yagan & Sam Yagan
Tiffany & Luke Erickson
Kelly Golden
David and Lauren Gorter Foundation
Abigayil Joseph & Matthew Primack
Gary Leibovitz
Jill & Matt Ludwig
Jenny & Cameron McKinney
Kelli Moorhead
Brad Parker
Tom Pruitt
Dr. Sheila Scaglione
Kurt Sunderman
Brett Thelander
John Wiitala